Friday, January 23, 2015

Blog Post #2

Mr. Dancealot

While watching Mr. Dancealot I found the central message to be that in order for students to learn, as a teacher you can not just teach from a book. Students can learn more when they practice  and are engaged in the lesson. The author makes the case for this conclusion by showing the end results of how the students were un-able to preform the dances due to the lack of practice and interaction while in class. I agree with his conclusion that if you do not engage students in a lesson or interact with students in a lesson, when it is time to perform the actual task the students will not be able to do so effectively.

Teaching in the 21st Century
  • A teacher's role in the life of students
    • Information can be found anywhere
      • Anywhere
      • On anything
      • Anytime
      • There are no limits to the amount of information
  • Teacher are no longer the main source of Knowledge
    • We are filters 
      • Teachers show students how to use other sources such as Google, blogs, Wikipedia, Youtube and more
  • When creating a lesson
    • Be Relevant, Engaging, and Challenging
      • Students do not need to be entertained but instead engaged
My feeling towards the changes in teaching that Robert points out is how teaching is changing for the better. There are many different new ways of teaching being created everyday, and it gives teacher more back ground and more sources to explore about learning. The changes in teaching will affect educator in a way that is helpful to students. As a future educator the changes in technology in the schools will help to improve our knowledge as educators on learning the the different ways we can engage students in learning. 

The Networked Student
My reaction to the this video is yes in the 21st century student will probably end up doing such thing that where presented in the video. However, there is still a need for a teacher. Like the video states the teacher is there to help the student to first understand what he or she is doing. The teacher is there to show the student the correct and proper way of doing his blogs, to address others experts, and manage  his work, and to show the student how to tell the difference between good and bad information.

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

 The thesis in the video Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts is to empower students with learning. The teacher makes a comment saying " not all student can learn from paper and pencil." I find this to be true. Students learn in different ways, and that teacher do not always know everything sometimes it is okay for the student to teach the teacher in some cases. The teacher makes a good point by show how students can learn more with communicating with other students around the world.

Who's Ahead in the Learning Race

The answer to the title of the video, Who's Ahead in the Learning Race would be elementary students. By watching the video Dr. Strange made, he compared elementary students to grad and undergrad students in college. Elementary students where able to do more technology than college students. The elementary students had just got brand new MacBooks two days ago and were able to work with the MacBooks doing different types of projects. The students were using blogs, making I-videos, and many more. Speaking as a undergrad I just got my first MacBook and I am still learning how to use it.  As future educators we need to catch up with the technology in the 21st century. Students in elementary school already know more about technology than there future teachers.

Flipping the Classroom

Flipping the classroom is very new to me. Before this video I had never heard of flipping the classroom. Taking this approach seem very affective in the learning process. Having student look at the material before the actual lesson is taught will make the lesson more informative. Student would already have somewhat of a knowledge of what the teacher will discuss in class, the student can come prepared with questions and a ideal of the topic, the students would most likely be more interested in what the teacher is teaching since they have already taken a look at the material.

Technology in the classroom


  1. Good post overall! I would suggest making the videos clickable links instead of providing the links to copy and paste.

  2. After reading this, I see that you and I feel the same way about many of the points we saw in each video. I agree with your thoughts that teachers should engage their students more in the classroom rather than just lecture. Your thoughts about technology and how it will enhance the abilities of us as educators were the exact same thoughts that I was having on the subject. I too felt that the elementary students were ahead in the learning race, because they seemed to be more fluent with the technology than most graduate and undergraduates. Overall your ideas from the video were the same as I thought and I believe that technology will be a necessity in the future.
