Sunday, March 29, 2015

C4K Summary for March

Nelson Mandela by Daniel talked about how important Nelson Mandela is. Daniel believes that Nelson Mandela should be apart of black history month. Nelson Mandela play a huge different in Africa and the world. He made South Africa a free united nation. Going to jail for so long made Nelson Mandela a better man. My comment to Daniel post was:
Hi Daniel! I am a student at the University of South Alabama and every week we comment on different student blogs. Overall you did a great job on your blog post. I agree that Nelson Mandela should be a big part of Black History month. I watched his movie and he is a very strong and wise man. "

Job Shadowing by Josh is a blog post that I very much agree with. Josh had the chance to go to a race car track to shadow the people that work there. I think everybody who has an interest in a career should shadow someone who works in their future career. Shadowing someone gives you that one on one look into what it is really like to have a job in your future career. I commented:

I’m a student at the University of South Alabama and every week we comment on different blogs. Overall you did a great job on your post. I love race cars and think it is pretty cool you got to go to a racetrack. I think job shadowing is a great way to get a one on one look into different jobs

Kyle H is the title of the blog by a girl named Samantha. She describes Kyle as being different because he wears two shirt instead of one. She even gives a website on her blog in case you know someone like Kyle who wears two shirts. Even though Kyle wears two shirts she is still his friend. I wrote: 

" Hi Samantha! I am a student at the University of South Alabama. You did a great job on your blog post. Your friend Kyle seem to be an interesting person. It’s important to remember that everyone is different, but just because they are different does not make them anything less than amazing! "

Blog Post 10

This week we are to discuss Ms. Cassidy approach to the use of technology in the classroom. In the first video Little Kids...Big Potential Ms. Cassidy focus is to show how her students use technology in different ways. The video shows how the students are excited to use technology. Students use such tools as: blogs, webpages, wikis, videos, Skype, and nintendo DS in the classroom. The video shows how the student love to use technology and it also explain how the students use all of these different tools.

The video is a conversation between Ms. Cassidy and Dr. Strange. Ms. Cassidy discuss how she got started using technology in the classroom. She touches on a good point about privacy. As a teacher you should use classroom privacy when students write blogs or post pictures. One way of doing this is by telling students to only use their first name and not their last name. Another way of having privacy is when you post a picture of a student change their name or use a different student name. Ms. Cassidy believes that technology is here to stay and it's not going anywhere. She encourage teacher to have a while knowledge of technology and to keep up with all the different tools that come with it, and for future teacher to develop their own personal learning network.  Ms. Cassidy encourage teacher to find what works for them when they are making personal learning networks. In the last video Ms.Cassidy answer some questions from students. The student had some good questions. One student asked how often do her student blog? Her response was that it depends on the group size. Some students can blog from at home and sometimes the class will blog together. Another student asked about student copying from other student blogs. Ms. Cassidy thinks that student should be creative when making their blog. 

What Can We Learn From Ms.Cassidy

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Project # 13

Team Glue's Water Cycle Project

Click here to view the website

Individual links:

Project #9 Video Book Commentary

Blog Post 9

 The question " What can teachers and students teach us about Project Base Learning? " has numerous answers. Project Base Learning( PBL) has been very successful.  PBL is very successful with help students to learn. Most of these videos/ blogs state the same message which is PBL will help you in the long run in the workplace.
The Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning listed seven facts that are useful w working on a project. The seven are:

  • Need To Know
    • Entry event which engages the students with and interesting and initate question
  • Driving Question
    • Brainstorming " capture the heart of the question"
  • Student voice and choice
    • The more a students include his or her voice the better the project
  • 21st Century Skills
    • Projects can give students the opportunities to build 21st century skills such as communication, technology, and collaboration. All of which would help in the workplace
  • Inquiry and Innovation
    • Project work in more meaningful when students conduct real inquiry meaning students follow a trail to their own question and discovery research to the answer which can lead to new ideal,  new questions, and their own conclusion. 
  • Feedback and Revision
    • According to Lamer and Mergendoller, " Students need to learn that most people's first attempts don't result in high quality and that revision is a frequent feature of  real-world work."
  • A Publicly Presented Product
    • Schoolwork is more meaningful when students present it to an audience instead of just the teacher and classmates. A student will care more about the presentation of their work if they have to show is to an audience.
Project Based Learning for Teachers defines PBL's as students taking control of their learning. Student work over a long period of time to answer a question and at the end of the project the students share their work with everyone. 

 Project based Learning is :
  1. Inquiry based
  2. Open ended
  3. Problem Solving
  4. Personalized
The four C's of Project Based Learning are:

  1. Collaboration Skills
  2. Communication Skills
  3. Critical Thinking Skills
  4. Career and Life Skills
PBL: What Motivates Students Today is a good video to give first time teacher an ideal of what students like that will motivate them to do good in school. Some of the students in the video said they like when the teacher would give them candy, sticker, or just cool school supplies for being good in class. I remember when I was in school I would try to be extra good so that at the end of the day or week I could get a goody out of the goody bag. Also students like when teach give them compliments. Give a students compliments when they do good on a test motivates the student to do good on the next test or quiz. What motivates some students to do good in school is when they think about their future career and college. Students know that in oder to succeed and have a good position in your future career you need to make good grade. For younger students, what motivates them to do good in school is that they know that if they do not make good grade their parents will not let them do the fun activities they want to play such as sports, or getting a new toy, or even taking away toys.

Project Based Learning in P.E.  describes how PBL can be used in any subject. This blog shows how students can teach other students the importance of physical activity out side of school. Having a healthy live consist of both staying physically fit and active.  It even includes the physical education standards. This blog shows how PBL and can help not just students but the community. sites Supporting Digital Classroom Collaboration in Project Based Learning are tools used to exchange the Project Based Learning experience. These site include collaboration and communication from etcher to student, student to student, and student to experts. 
The ten website are:
  1. Titan Pad
  2. Wall Wisher
  3. Coarkboardme
  4. Google Docs
  5. Microsoft Live
  6. Today's Meet
  7. Linoit
  8. Skype in Education
  9. Quick Screen Share

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog Post 8 Pausch's Last Lecture was a great lecture. Randy Pausch lecture was very interesting. He taught at Carnegie Mellon University. In his lecture Rand main focus is childhood dreams. He states " Anything is possible. that is something we should not lose sight of. The inspiration and permission to dream is huge." I strongly agree that anything is possible. This is a great ideal to teach students in the classroom that anything is possible. Randy also makes a comment stating " You have to get the fundamentals down, otherwise all the fancy stuff isn't going to work." As a future teacher this statement really stands out to me. In school you have to learn the basic before you can learn anything else.

C4T post 2

C4T #3 and 4

For my comment of teachers 3 and 4 I had Teaching Social Justice in the Physics Classroom. This comment for teacher was a little hard for me to understand. The main focus of the blog was about Physics which is science which is a subject that I do not like to much. As I read the blog I was often confused on what the author was discussing. The main idea of the blog was Teaching Social Justice in the Physics Classroom. The blog  has 4 parts. Even though I was a little unclear on the man idea it was still interesting to read.
I commented:

  • 1st comment:
Hi I am a student at the University of South Alabama. this article is a little confusing when I first started to read it. However the more I read the more I could understand it. The article I is very informative and gives good ideals about learning.

  • 2nd comment:

Great Post! It is very organized and clear. I enjoyed reading the information. Physics is a little confusing to me but I did learn something out of your post!